extreme culture



How about one go-to place to see everyone’s Thanksgiving food pics? Let’s see if this works…shoot your pics to BrevardCulture@gmail.com and we’ll get them online here. Funny pics. Gorgeous turkeys. Ugly birds. Yummy desserts. Lumpy gravy. Gorgeous table landscape…whatever you like.

We’ll start with this one (above) from our own traditional way to begin Thanksgiving morning — with family is to make fresh cranberry/nut muffins and even a few pun’kin nuts muffins.

Check back from time to time to see what others have put on here. TODAY ONLY. For all that down time.

From Jessica Harbaugh, vegetarian, feasting at a friend's in the Hamptons.

From Jessica Harbaugh, vegetarian, feasting at a friend’s in the Hamptons.

A Thanksgiving cornucopia by Ann Petrosky

A Thanksgiving cornucopia by Ann Petrosky