Celebrate the cooler weather with some hot artsy offerings, especially the wonderful ArtWorks Festival in the Eau Gallie Arts District. There’s also symphonic music, live theater, a big batch of art exhibitions, a Festival of Trees and a “STAR”-studded book signing to keep you happy. And be sure to note a new category — “High School Theater.” This is a must because, after all…Brevard high schools are doing a sensational job with live theater. And don’t forget to go all the way down this post in order to find out if your favorite romance author will be making an appearance Saturday at the Stars of Romance Holiday Book Signing.
Thank you for clicking onto the ads of those organizations supporting Brevard Culture.
THE PRODUCERS runs through Sunday at Surfside Players. The extremely popular Mel Brooks’ musical is about a couple of producers who try to get rich quick off a group of old ladies who think they’re investing in a show. Surfside Playhouse is at 301 Ramp Road (5th St. South), Cocoa Beach. Tickets are $25 with discounts for seniors, students and active military. Call 321-783-3127, visit SurfsidePlayers.com or click onto their ad.
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS opens tonight at the Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse. It runs through Dec. 4. The 1989 musical is based on the 1944 Judy Garland movie. It is set during the 1904 World’s Fair and revolves around a humble family. Tickets cost $27 general, $25 seniors and students and $19 for children 12 years and younger. Cocoa Village Playhouse is at 300 Brevard Avenue. Call 321-636-5050, visit CocoaVillagePlayhouse.com or click onto their ad.
AMERICAN BUFFALO runs through Sunday at the new Theater on the Edge in Edgewood area of Orlando. The drama stars two Brevard residents, Allan Whitehead and Zack Roundy. It also stars Marco DiGeorge (and is directed by yours truly). Read Joan Taddie’s review of the show by clicking here. And it’s not just Joan who’s raving: Orlando Weekly wrote this; Ink 19 wrote this. Theater on the Edge is in the Truthful Acting Studios, 5542 Hansel Ave, Orlando, FL. At this point, there is only one ticket left and that’s for Saturday evening’s show. Call 407-309-0106, email info@theaterontheedge.org, visit TheaterOnTheEdge.org or click onto their ad.
NOT QUITE RIGHT PLAYERS performs its Longform Show 8 p.m. Saturday at Derek Gores Gallery, 587 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Melbourne. Be sure to arrive early because you’ll need plenty of time to find a parking space due to the ArtWorks festival. Tickets are $12. Click here.
High School Theater:
A CHRISTMAS CAROL: Scrooge and Marley runs through Sunday at Satellite High School performing arts center. This version is written by Israel Horowitz, who, despite his edgy reputation, still has the iconic characters in this heartwarming classic. A cast and crew of more than 40 students is putting this on. Curtain is 7 p.m. tonight and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $7 and available at the door or by clicking here. Satellite High School is on Scorpion Lane, behind Atlantic Plaza in Satellite Beach.

“Early Morning Fog” by John Sluder. 2014.
FESTIVAL OF TREES runs through Sunday at Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach. This festival has everything: Festival Forest, Winter Gardens, Santa’s Village, a synthetic Ice Skating Rink for the kids, Christmas Shoppe & Vendors, a silent auction and grand display of trees. Given the splendid visuals always served up by Riverside Theatre, bets are on that this will be glorious. It begins with a Gala Preview Party this evening ($175). The whole shebang runs 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $10 general and $5 for children under 12 years of age. There’s also a $3 skate rental fee for children. Riverside Theatre is at 3250 Riverside Drive, Vero Beach. For more information, call 772-231-6990 click here.

Festival of Trees 2016 at Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach.

Terrence Wilson
MANNHEIM STEAMROLLER CHRISTMAS by Chip Davis performs 4 p.m. Sunday at the King Center. tickets start at $45.50. The King Center is at 3865 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne. Call 321-242-2219 or click here.
RADIANT MESSENGER: Drawings by China Marks runs through Jan. 7, 2017 at Florida Tech’s Foosaner Art Museum. Read about the exhibit by clicking here. The museum also has LIGHT UP THE ARTS is an exhibit commemorating the 40th anniversary celebration of Preston Studios running through Dec. 31 Regular hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Free admission. The Foosaner Art Museum is at 1463 Highland Ave., Melbourne. Visit FoosanerArtMuseum.org, call 321-674-8916 or click onto their ad.
TRANSFORMERS: RE-CONTEXTUALIZING OUR MATERIAL CULTURE runs through Dec. 17 at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts is on the campus of Florida Institute of Technology, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne. To read more about it, click here. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Admission is free. Call 321-674-8313, click here or click onto their ad.

Holiday Craft Show at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery
AQUA EDITIONS is a new Derek Gores Gallery project combining artists and interior designers/decorators. Read more about that by clicking here. Derek Gores gallery is at 587 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Melbourne. Call 321-258-2119 or visit DerekGores.com/gallery.
GRACE LEAL is exhibiting in the Frits Van Eeden Gallery in the Florida Institute of Technology’s Renee Foosaner Education Center. The Foosaner Education Center is at 1520 Highland Ave. in the Eau Gallie Arts District of Melbourne. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, as well as from 5:30-7:30 p.m. the first Friday of each month. Admission is free. Free and open to the public. Call 321-674-8923, visit
Romance Authors:
STARS OF ROMANCE: Holiday Book Signing takes place 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue, Melbourne. You’ll get to chat with 20 romance writers, including LUCY LAKESTONE and ROXANNE ST. CLAIRE. Other big names are ALETHEA KONTIS and KRISTIN PAINTER. These are best selling authors so designated by the New York Times, USA Today and/or Amazon. It’s going to be more like a party with goodies and giveaways. The 20 authors represent a variety of romance genres. Admission is free. Here is the list of authors expected to appear:
Brenna Ash, Second Chances (brennaash.com)
Barbara Barrett, The Matchmaking Motor Coach Series (barbarabarrettbooks.com)
Naomi Bellina, Messed-Up Heroes Series (naomibellina.com)
Ava Branson, Blue Water Seduction Series (www.avabranson.com)
JoMarie DeGioia, Cypress Corners Series (jomariedegioia.com)
Karen Ann Dell, Blue Point Cove Series (karenanndell.com)
Leigh Duncan, Pattern of Deceit, The Growing Season (leighduncan.com)
Larissa Emerald, Divine Tree Guardians Series (larissaemerald.com)
Debra Fisk, Cozy Cove Series (debrafisk.com)
Pamela Hearon, Gaining Visibility (pamelahearon.com)
Alethea Kontis, The Books of Arilland Series (patreon.com/princessalethea)
Lucy Lakestone, Bohemia Beach Series (lucylakestone.com)
Rhea Regale/Leah Blake, Casanova Cowboys Series, Love Your Dragon Series (rhearegale.com, leahblake.com)
Roxanne St. Claire, Barefoot Bay Series (roxannestclaire.com)
Lynne St. James, Beyond Valor Series (lynnestjames.com)
Kristen Painter, Nocturne Falls Series (kristenpainter.com)
Sandy Parks/Sandy Moffett, The MacInness Legacy trilogy, Repossessed (sandyparksauthor.com)
Helen Roark, Kit’s Sweet Revenge (helenroarkromance.com)
Sarina Rose, The Relentless Series (sarinaroseauthor.com)
Jill Wallace, War Serenade (warserenade.com)