Now here’s something totally new and different — an art exhibition with an aromatherapy “sidebar.”
The Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts will present aromatherapist DOREEN DeSERRES-DuJARDIN to speak at its current exhibition, FLORA AND FIBER.

Guests will learn much at this event and receive a fragrance test strip. However, they are instructed to be FRAGRANCE-FREE for this event. So, no…do not bath in “fragrant” soaps, then dust yourselves with the same fragrance, then splash more of it on your bosom (as do so many women who sit next to me in the theater).
Cost for the lecture is for members of Friends of Textiles and for non-members. You must PRE-REGISTER by emailing or by calling 321-674-6129.
The exhibit, “Flora and Fiber,” is on view through Aug. 26. Free admission to exhibit only. Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts is on the campus of Florida Tech, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, Florida. Call 321-674-8313, click here, or click on their ad.