Sober up, drink water and do some exercises. Auditions are around the corner.
JAN. 16 & 17: Titusville Playhouse will hold auditions for two shows 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 16 and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17 — JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR and MR. & MRS. FITCH. Needed are performers 16 years and older for “Jesus Christ Superstar,” which performs March 31 to April 23. To see character breakdowns, click here then click onto the “Jesus Christ Superstar” tab. Needed are an adult male and adult female of any age for “Mr. & Mrs. Fitch,” which performs March 17 – 26. To see a synopsis of the play, click here then click on the “Mr. & Mrs. Fitch” tab. Titusville Playhouse is at 301 Julia St., Titusville. Call 321-268-1125 or visit Titusville
JAN. 30 & 31: Cocoa Village Playhouse will hold auditions for AIDA 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30 and 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31. Needed are performers 13 years and older. The musical runs March 10 to 26. To prepare for your audition, click here and read the suggestions at the bottom of the page. Cocoa Village Playhouse is at 300 Brevard Ave. Cocoa. Call 321-636-5050 or visit
ABOVE PHOTO comes from Riverside Theatre’s 2016 production of “A Chorus Line.”