There are a few buzz-generating productions either already on or in the works for Orlando stages right now. Here’s a quick hit:
“Art,” Yasmina Reza’s smart comedy about three friends who muse over a white painting, runs through Feb. 21. Talkbacks are held after each Thursday and Sunday performance. Tickets to “Art” are $31 to $38, with tickets to Monday performances (Feb. 1 and 8) $18 to $25. Discounts available for students and active military. Mad Cow Theatre is on the second floor of a building at 54 West Church Street, Orlando. Call 407-297-8788, ext. 1, or click here.
Mad Cow’s Teatro Espanol will present a reading entirely in Spanish of Federico Garcia Lorca’s classic play “Bodas de Sangre” (“Blood Wedding”), a play about tragedy and lost love. The reading is directed by Eliana Stratico and will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 26 and 27.

Mad Cow’s reading of “Blood Wedding” cast from left , front row:- Lisa Morales, Anahilda Garcia, Brenda Lamberty, Aurora Davidowitz, Susi Rivera; from left, back row – Gabrielle Ortiz, Aleksander Vargas, Tiki Hagan Noriega , Demi Castro, Alina Alcantara. Photo by Tom Hurst
“Outside Mullingar” opens Feb. 19 and runs through March 20 at Mad Cow. Written by John Patrick Shanley, the play is sest in the Irish countryside and is called “a soft-hearted valentine about two misfit farmers, Anthony and Rosemary, who learn to set aside their misapprehensions and discover that love is always worth the wait.” Ticket are $38. However…you can pick up preview tickets for $15 — previews run Feb. 17 and 18. And, you can go to Mad Cow’s “pay-what-you-wish” performance 8 p.m. March 16. But you have to plan way ahead for those discounted opportunities. Talkbacks after Thursday and Sunday performances.
“Dancing Lessons” is a wonderful new play by Mark St. Germain. I had an opportunity to go to a reading of it last season and was excited to hear it was going to be produced this season. The touching play concerns a man with aspergers disorder becoming friends with a dancer who has suffered a disabling accident. It runs through Feb. 7. Tickets are $21 to $46 with student rush tickets costing only $12. Orlando Shakes performs at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center, 812 E. Rollins St., Orlando. Call (407) 447-1700 or visit
“The Tempest” by William Shakespeare will run February 10 – March 27. Tickets cost $21 to $46, with student rush tickets costing $12. However, you can save if you plan ahead. Preview tickets cost $11 to $23 — previews run Wednesday, Feb. 10 and Thursday, Feb. 11.